Invite team members

Crypto APIs Dashboard allows for users to invite teammates to join their Company/Business. 

1. Log in your Crypto APIs Dashboard, select the Profile image and then the option “Team”.

2. Click on the “Invite” button.

3. Fill in the email address and position of your teammate and send the invite.

4. The system will confirm the action and await the response of the other person.

5. The invited person will receive an email with a personalized token to join Crypto APIs by registering and becoming a part of the user’s team.

The token sent to the invited person will be active for 24 hours. After that it will expire and a new one would need to be sent.

6. Once the teammate accepts the invite their info will appear in the Team section.

Reaching the last step means that the teammate has accepted the invitation and has created an account with Crypto APIs 2.0.

When a person accepts a team invite for Crypto APIs 2.0 their account will not have a “Team” option, as they are already a part of one.

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