New Confirmed Coins Transactions

Through this endpoint customers can create callback subscriptions for a specific event. In this case the event is when there are new incoming or outgoing confirmed transactions for coins from/to the customer's address. By creating this subscription the user will be notified by Crypto APIs 2.0 when that event occurs. The information is returned per specified address.

Being confirmed means that the transactions are verified by miners and added to the next block.

For UTXO-based protocols like Bitcoin, a transaction could have multiple inputs and outputs, which means the address could be both sender and recipient. Here is how we inform you on that.

To have an operational callback subscription, you need to first verify a domain for the Callback URL. Please see more information on Callbacks here.

Crypto APIs will notify the user only when the event occurs. There are cases when the specific event doesn't happen at all, or takes a long time to do so. A callback notification will not be sent if the event does not or cannot occur, or will take long time to occur.

Supports Callback Functionality Single Result - This endpoint returns only one single result. POST /blockchain-events/{blockchain}/{network}/subscriptions/address-coins-transactions-confirmed

Path Parameters

  • Required
    blockchain string

    Represents the specific blockchain protocol name, e.g. Ethereum, Bitcoin, etc.

    Example : bitcoin
    Possible Values : bitcoin bitcoin-cash dash dogecoin litecoin ethereum ethereum-classic binance-smart-chain polygon tron xrp tezos avalanche
  • Required
    network string

    Represents the name of the blockchain network used; blockchain networks are usually identical as technology and software, but they differ in data, e.g. - "mainnet" is the live network with actual data while networks like "testnet", "goerli" are test networks.

    Example : testnet
    Possible Values : mainnet testnet sepolia mordor amoy nile ghostnet fuji

Query parameters

  • Optional
    context string

    In batch situations the user can use the context to correlate responses with requests. This property is present regardless of whether the response was successful or returned as an error. context is specified by the user.

    Example : yourExampleString

Request body schema application/json

  • Optional
    context string

    In batch situations the user can use the context to correlate responses with requests. This property is present regardless of whether the response was successful or returned as an error. context is specified by the user.

    Example : yourExampleString
  • Required
    data object
    • Required
      item object
      • Required
        address string

        Represents the address of the transaction, per which the result is returned.

        Example : mho4jHBcrNCncKt38trJahXakuaBnS7LK5
      • Optional
        allowDuplicates string

        Specifies a flag that permits or denies the creation of duplicate addresses.

        Default : false
        Example : true
      • Optional
        callbackSecretKey string

        Represents the Secret Key value provided by the customer. This field is used for security purposes during the callback notification, in order to prove the sender of the callback as Crypto APIs. For more information please see our Documentation.

        Example : yourSecretKey
      • Required
        callbackUrl string

        Represents the URL that is set by the customer where the callback will be received at. The callback notification will be received only if and when the event occurs. We support ONLY httpS type of protocol.

        Example :
      • Optional
        receiveCallbackOn string

        Represents the exact confirmation, on which the user wants to receive callback.

        Example : 3

Response schema

200 400 401 402 403 409 415 422 429 500
HTTP Status Code: 200
Content-Type: application/json

The request has been successful.

  • Object :

  • Required
    apiVersion string

    Specifies the version of the API that incorporates this endpoint.

    Example : 2023-04-25
  • Required
    requestId string

    Defines the ID of the request. The requestId is generated by Crypto APIs and it's unique for every request.

    Example : 601c1710034ed6d407996b30
  • Optional
    context string

    In batch situations the user can use the context to correlate responses with requests. This property is present regardless of whether the response was successful or returned as an error. context is specified by the user.

    Example : yourExampleString
  • Required
    data object
    • Required
      item object
      • Required
        address string

        Represents the address of the transaction, per which the result is returned.

        Example : mfo7jkvcoSNxpRBM7XfcseZGQf9PmmU8TZ
      • Required
        callbackSecretKey string

        Represents the Secret Key value provided by the customer. This field is used for security purposes during the callback notification, in order to prove the sender of the callback as Crypto APIs 2.0. For more information please see our Documentation.

        Example : yourSecretKey
      • Required
        callbackUrl string

        Represents the URL that is set by the customer where the callback will be received at. The callback notification will be received only if and when the event occurs. We support ONLY httpS type of protocol.

        Example :
      • Required
        createdTimestamp integer

        Defines the specific time/date when the subscription was created in Unix Timestamp.

        Example : 1236238648
      • Required
        eventType string

        Defines the type of the specific event available for the customer to subscribe to for callback notification.

      • Required
        isActive boolean

        Defines whether the subscription is active or not. Set as boolean.

        Example : True
      • Required
        receiveCallbackOn integer

        Represents the exact confirmation, on which the user wants to receive callback.

        Example : 3
      • Required
        referenceId string

        Represents a unique ID used to reference the specific callback subscription.

        Example : bc243c86-0902-4386-b30d-e6b30fa1f2aa

Callback parameters Method : POST

You can use the optional parameter callbackSecretKey in your request for additional security. It is then used to create a unique hash string in the x-signature response header in the callback request itself. For more information, please see our Documentation.

Content-Type : application/json

  • Object :

  • Required
    apiVersion string

    Specifies the version of the API that incorporates this endpoint.

    Example : 2021-03-20
  • Required
    referenceId string

    Represents a unique identifier that serves as reference to the specific request which prompts a callback, e.g. Blockchain Events Subscription, Blockchain Automation, etc.

    Example : 6038d09050653d1f0e40584c
  • Required
    idempotencyKey string

    Specifies a unique ID generated by the system and attached to each callback. It is used by the server to recognize consecutive requests with the same data with the purpose not to perform the same operation twice.

    Example : e55bf7a4a7188855f1c27541a6c387d04cc3b22ee34d1304b0e6ecad61c9906c
  • Required
    data object

    Specifies all data, as attributes, included into the callback notification, which depends on the event.

    • Required
      product string

      Represents the Crypto APIs 2.0 product which sends the callback.

    • Required
      event string

      Defines the specific event, for which a callback subscription is set.

    • Required
      item object

      Defines an item as one result.

      • Required
        blockchain string

        Represents the specific blockchain protocol name, e.g. Ethereum, Bitcoin, etc.

        Example : bitcoin
      • Required
        network string

        Represents the name of the blockchain network used; blockchain networks are usually identical as technology and software, but they differ in data, e.g. - "mainnet" is the live network with actual data while networks like "testnet", "goerli", "nile" are test networks.

        Example : testnet
      • Required
        address string

        Defines the specific address to which the coin transaction has been sent and is confirmed.

        Example : bc1qmjhy4exylset37e6sfjdtfksm8kpcrxknj7cag
      • Required
        minedInBlock object

        Defines the block height in which this transaction was mined and confirmed in.

        • Required
          height integer

          Defines the number of blocks in the blockchain preceding this specific block.

          Example : 667861
        • Required
          hash string

          Represents the hash of the block's header, i.e. an output that has a fixed length.

          Example : b00d27cccd5e4f4fa1b28824d9a1e5fef88e6c37cdeb09e37eb39aa1d3d63448
        • Required
          timestamp integer

          Defines the exact date/time when this transaction was mined in seconds since Unix Epoch time.

          Example : 1610365213
      • Required
        transactionId string

        Defines the unique ID of the specific transaction, i.e. its identification number.

        Example : b00d27cccd5e4f4fa1b28824d9a1e5fef88e6c37cdeb09e37eb39aa1d3d63448
      • Required
        amount string

        Defines the amount of coins sent with the confirmed transaction.

        Example : 0.0315
      • Required
        unit string

        Defines the unit of the transaction, e.g. BTC.

        Example : BTC
      • Required
        direction string

        Defines whether the transaction is "incoming" or "outgoing".

        Example : incoming
        Possible Values : incoming outgoing

Credits Cost : 1000 Credits For 1 Result(s)

Try it out

Request Example

Content-Type: application/json
X-API-Key: my-api-key

Request Body
    "context": "yourExampleString",
    "data": {
        "item": {
            "address": "mho4jHBcrNCncKt38trJahXakuaBnS7LK5",
            "allowDuplicates": "true",
            "callbackSecretKey": "yourSecretKey",
            "callbackUrl": "",
            "receiveCallbackOn": "3"

Response Example

    "apiVersion": "2023-04-25",
    "requestId": "601c1710034ed6d407996b30",
    "context": "yourExampleString",
    "data": {
        "item": {
            "address": "mfo7jkvcoSNxpRBM7XfcseZGQf9PmmU8TZ",
            "callbackSecretKey": "yourSecretKey",
            "callbackUrl": "",
            "createdTimestamp": 1236238648,
            "isActive": true,
            "receiveCallbackOn": 3,
            "referenceId": "bc243c86-0902-4386-b30d-e6b30fa1f2aa"

Callback Example

    "apiVersion": "2021-03-20",
    "referenceId": "6038d09050653d1f0e40584c",
    "idempotencyKey": "e55bf7a4a7188855f1c27541a6c387d04cc3b22ee34d1304b0e6ecad61c9906c",
    "data": {
        "product": "BLOCKCHAIN_EVENTS",
        "item": {
            "blockchain": "bitcoin",
            "network": "testnet",
            "address": "bc1qmjhy4exylset37e6sfjdtfksm8kpcrxknj7cag",
            "minedInBlock": {
                "height": 667861,
                "hash": "b00d27cccd5e4f4fa1b28824d9a1e5fef88e6c37cdeb09e37eb39aa1d3d63448",
                "timestamp": 1610365213
            "transactionId": "b00d27cccd5e4f4fa1b28824d9a1e5fef88e6c37cdeb09e37eb39aa1d3d63448",
            "amount": "0.0315",
            "unit": "BTC",
            "direction": "incoming"