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Create API key

API keys are required as an authentication method with Crypto APIs products. By using an API key you authenticate access to the specific API. Without authentication access to the API is denied.

You can generate and manage API keys from within the Crypto APIs Dashboard here. By clicking on “Create new API key” you can enter a name and the system will generate a unique for your user key for API authentication. Multiple keys can be generated. Old API keys, that you no longer want to use, can be disabled from the same location.

Use API key

API keys are required for the authentication of the calling program to the API. All Crypto APIs keys use the same base URL "https://rest.cryptoapis.io". They can be used in test environments such as: Development, QA, and main Production environments.

We do not recommend using the same API key for more than one environment. We do recommend to use a single key for one specific environment - Testing, Production, etc. The API key is sensitive private information that we strongly advise to have and keep restricted access to it.

Content-Type: application/json X-API-Key: my-api-key

It's important to secure your API Key against public access. The custom header option is strongly recommended for a production environment.

API Credential Usage - Credits

Most plans include a daily limit or “hard stop” to the number of data calls that can be made and the results provided by Crypto APIs. This limit is directly tied to your API Key usage and number of credits purchased. Your daily credits will be reloaded at 0:00 AM UTC.

The daily credit limit is tracked based on API data calls and results provided with your key. Each credit is accounted for and incremented 1:1, with the exception of:

  1. Error responses are not included in this monthly limit;
  2. Paginated Endpoints: List based endpoints. Credit allocation per API credentials is done for every 50 data results returned. List based endpoints with pagination are charged based on returned results.
  3. Bundled/Batched API calls: Credit allocation per API credentials is done for every 50 data results returned, always rounded-up.

This is directly related to the API call Rate Limiting which is applied to all Crypto APIs. For more information on API limiting and other ways we limit data from our API, please see “Data Flow Limiting” section.

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