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Create API key

API keys are required as an authentication method with Crypto APIs products. Authentication through an API key is essential to grant access to the specific method. Access to the API is not possible without proper authentication.

You can generate and manage API keys from within the Crypto APIs Dashboard here. By clicking on "Create new API key" you can enter a name and the system will generate a unique for your user key for API authentication. Multiple keys can be generated. Old API keys, that you no longer want to use, can be disabled from the same location.

Use API key

API keys are required for the authentication of the calling program to the API. They can be used in test environments such as: Development, QA, and main Production environments.

We do not recommend using the same API key for more than one environment. We do recommend using a single key for one specific environment - Testing, Production, etc. The API key is sensitive private information that we strongly advise to have and keep restricted access to it.

Content-Type: application/json X-API-Key: my-api-key

It's important to secure your API Key against public access. The custom header option is strongly recommended for a production environment.

API Credential Usage - Credits

Data Limiting

Data limiting is essential for the user's experience with our APIs. The purpose of data limiting is to prevent overload of the APIs, to optimize processing and response speed, and to enhance the overall security of Crypto APIs services. The extent to which data limiting varies is based on your subscription tier: different services offer varying levels of data flow limiting. For more information on Crypto APis products, please visit our pricing page.

Daily credits

Crypto APIs provides a specific amount of daily credits for each of the subscription tiers which run as part of our blockchain infrastructure suite. The higher the subscription level, the more daily credits will be provided to the client. Note that each day at 00:00 UTC time the credit balance of all accounts open with Crypto APIs are replenished.

Daily credits allow API calls to be made at any time of the day. The credit balance is reset for the next day at 00:00 UTC time. If you require more credits to be added to your daily balance you can upgrade your subscription plan from your Dashboard. Alternatively, you can wait until 00:00 UTC time, when your new daily credits will be available.

Please take note that credit charges for each request are always equal to 100 credits.
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