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Getting Started

To get started with Node as a Service by Crypto APIs, you need to create an account at https://my.cryptoapis.io/login. After account verification you get access to the Crypto APIs Dashboard, where you can monitor and control your API keys, requests, credits, and more.

From the dashboard you can update your profile, add team members and billing information. For subscription plans details, please see our monthly and annual plans Pricing.

Setting up a node

To set up your node, you need to login to your Dashboard and navigate to the Node as a Service section from the menu navigation.

From the dashboard you can get access to a shared node. For dedicated nodes, you need to submit a request with your specific node requirements. Once submitted, Crypto APIs team will process your request and will get back to you to confirm all details in regards to deployment and the financial status of your request. The next step is our team to prepare a node for you and notify you via mail once the node is available. For self-managed on-premise nodes, you need to contact us to discuss the details and we will help you with integration assistance.

Shared Nodes

To join a shared node by Crypto APIs, you need to generate an API key from the dashboard. The API key is unique to you and you can use it to make JSON-RPC requests to the selected blockchain using the provided supported methods.

curl    https://gcp-europe-west1-c.json-rpc.cryptoapis.io/nodes/shared/${blockchain}/${network} \   -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "X-API-Key: my-api-key" \
  --data '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0","method":"eth_accounts","params":[],"id": 1}'

Dedicated Nodes

To request a dedicated private node, you need to login in your dashboard and find the preferred node in the Node Marketplace. You can deploy a node by defining your specific requirements and sending them as a request to us.

To use a dedicated node, you need to create an API key. The creation of an API key is mandatory and is used as an authentication method. For each dedicated node requested by a client, we assign a unique node ID that corresponds to that specific node.

You can generate and manage API keys from the Crypto APIs dashboard. By clicking on "Create new API key" you can enter a name and the system will generate a unique for your user key for API authentication. Multiple keys can be generated. Old API keys, that you no longer want to use, can be disabled from the same Dashboard location. For more information on Authenticating requests, please see the “Authentication” section.


JSON-RPC is a straightforward and uncomplicated option with no commands or data sets that could lead to confusion, ensuring clarity for both humans and machines. Making batch requests, explaining HTTP body, and carrying parameters forward are also made simple with JSON-RPC.

JSON-RPC is optimized for efficient, lightweight, and rapid data transfer to blockchain nodes.

For more information, please check the official JSON-RPC documentation.

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