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Get Asset Details By Asset Symbol


Through this endpoint users can obtain information on assets by asset symbol.

The details returned could include information on the latest rate and rate fluctuation of different periods of time - 24 hours, a week, one hour, the encoding of the logo, and more.

Path Parameters

assetSymbol string Required

Specifies the asset's unique symbol in the Crypto APIs listings.

Query Parameters

context string Optional

In batch situations the user can use the context to correlate responses with requests. This property is present regardless of whether the response was successful or returned as an error. context is specified by the user.

Response Schema

apiVersion string Required

Specifies the version of the API that incorporates this endpoint.

requestId string Required

Defines the ID of the request. The requestId is generated by Crypto APIs and it's unique for every request.

context string Optional

In batch situations the user can use the context to correlate responses with requests. This property is present regardless of whether the response was successful or returned as an error. context is specified by the user.

data object Required
item object Required
latestRate object Required

Specifies the latest price of the asset.

amount string Required

Represents the amount of the latest rate.

calculationTimestamp integer Optional

Defines when the price was calculated in UNIX timestamp. Oldest possible timestamp is 30 days.

unit string Required

Specifies the unit of the latest price of the asset.

logo object Required
encoding string Required

Defines the encoding of the image data which is usually base64.

imageData string Required

Defines the encoded image data as a string.

mimeType string Required

Defines the image type of the logo - jpg, png, svg, etc.

name string Required

Specifies the name of the asset in question.

originalSymbol string Required

Specifies the asset's original symbol as introduced by its founders.

referenceId string Required

Asset reference ID

slug string Optional

Represents the asset`s unique slug string in Crypto APIs listings.

specificData object Required

Represents a specific asset's data depending on its type (whether it is "crypto" or "fiat").

1HourPriceChangeInPercentage string Required

Represents the percentage of the asset's current price against the its price from 1 hour ago.

1WeekPriceChangeInPercentage string Required

Represents the percentage of the asset's current price against the its price from 1 week ago.

24HoursPriceChangeInPercentage string Required

Represents the percentage of the asset's current price against the its price from 24 hours ago.

24HoursTradingVolume string Required

Represents the trading volume of the asset for the time frame of 24 hours.

circulatingSupply string Required

Represents the amount of the asset that is circulating on the market and in public hands.

marketCapInUSD string Required

Defines the total market value of the asset's circulating supply in USD.

maxSupply string Required

Represents the maximum amount of all coins of a specific asset that will ever exist in its lifetime.

type string Required

Defines the type of the supported asset. This could be either "crypto" or "fiat".

symbol string Required

Specifies the asset's unique symbol in the Crypto APIs listings.

type string Required

Defines the type of the supported asset. This could be either "crypto" or "fiat".


Credits Cost : 500 Credits for 1 Results

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    "apiVersion": "2024-12-12",
    "requestId": "601c1710034ed6d407996b30",
    "context": "yourExampleString",
    "data": {
        "item": {
            "latestRate": {
                "amount": "61704.20995670996",
                "calculationTimestamp": 1636107864,
                "unit": "USD"
            "logo": {
                "encoding": "base64",
                "imageData": "PHN2ZyB4bWxucz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMC9zdmciIHdpZHRoPSIzMiIgaGVpZ2h0PSIzMiI+PGcgZmlsbD0ibm9uZSIgZmlsbC1ydWxlPSJldmVub2RkIj48Y2lyY2xlIGN4PSIxNiIgY3k9IjE2IiByPSIxNiIgZmlsbD0iI0Y3OTMxQSIvPjxwYXRoIGZpbGw9IiNGRkYiIGZpbGwtcnVsZT0ibm9uemVybyIgZD0iTTIzLjE4OSAxNC4wMmMuMzE0LTIuMDk2LTEuMjgzLTMuMjIzLTMuNDY1LTMuOTc1bC43MDgtMi44NC0xLjcyOC0uNDMtLjY5IDIuNzY1Yy0uNDU0LS4xMTQtLjkyLS4yMi0xLjM4NS0uMzI2bC42OTUtMi43ODNMMTUuNTk2IDZsLS43MDggMi44MzljLS4zNzYtLjA4Ni0uNzQ2LS4xNy0xLjEwNC0uMjZsLjAwMi0uMDA5LTIuMzg0LS41OTUtLjQ2IDEuODQ2czEuMjgzLjI5NCAxLjI1Ni4zMTJjLjcuMTc1LjgyNi42MzguODA1IDEuMDA2bC0uODA2IDMuMjM1Yy4wNDguMDEyLjExLjAzLjE4LjA1N2wtLjE4My0uMDQ1LTEuMTMgNC41MzJjLS4wODYuMjEyLS4zMDMuNTMxLS43OTMuNDEuMDE4LjAyNS0xLjI1Ni0uMzEzLTEuMjU2LS4zMTNsLS44NTggMS45NzggMi4yNS41NjFjLjQxOC4xMDUuODI4LjIxNSAxLjIzMS4zMThsLS43MTUgMi44NzIgMS43MjcuNDMuNzA4LTIuODRjLjQ3Mi4xMjcuOTMuMjQ1IDEuMzc4LjM1N2wtLjcwNiAyLjgyOCAxLjcyOC40My43MTUtMi44NjZjMi45NDguNTU4IDUuMTY0LjMzMyA2LjA5Ny0yLjMzMy43NTItMi4xNDYtLjAzNy0zLjM4NS0xLjU4OC00LjE5MiAxLjEzLS4yNiAxLjk4LTEuMDAzIDIuMjA3LTIuNTM4em0tMy45NSA1LjUzOGMtLjUzMyAyLjE0Ny00LjE0OC45ODYtNS4zMi42OTVsLjk1LTMuODA1YzEuMTcyLjI5MyA0LjkyOS44NzIgNC4zNyAzLjExem0uNTM1LTUuNTY5Yy0uNDg3IDEuOTUzLTMuNDk1Ljk2LTQuNDcuNzE3bC44Ni0zLjQ1Yy45NzUuMjQzIDQuMTE4LjY5NiAzLjYxIDIuNzMzeiIvPjwvZz48L3N2Zz4=",
                "mimeType": "image/svg+xml"
            "name": "Bitcoin",
            "originalSymbol": "BTC",
            "referenceId": "5b1ea92e584bf50020130615",
            "slug": "bitcoin",
            "specificData": {
                "1HourPriceChangeInPercentage": "-0.4277852328344024",
                "1WeekPriceChangeInPercentage": "1.6572304104646762",
                "24HoursPriceChangeInPercentage": "-0.059688916478600924",
                "24HoursTradingVolume": "3116834672.508857",
                "circulatingSupply": "18562881",
                "marketCapInUSD": "1146119021006.8835",
                "maxSupply": "21000000",
                "type": "coin"
            "symbol": "BTC",
            "type": "crypto"