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Race Attack

An occurrence when two transactions are created with the same amount at the same time so that both funds can be spent.

Rate Limits

A strategy for limiting network traffic. It puts a cap on how often someone can make a request to the API within a certain timeframe.


Stands for Replace by Fee - refers to a method where an unprocessed "stuck" transaction can be "fixed" by changing its fee so that it gets mined and accepted to a block.


Data that can be accessed and viewed but not modified.

Redeem Script

Represents the script used to unlock BTC that has been sent to a P2SH or P2WSH address.


The returned information on a request.

Response time

The time it takes for the response of a request to be received.


Stands for Representational State Transfer. It is an architectural style for providing standards between computer systems on the web, making it easier for systems to communicate with each other.


Criteria sent to the API in order for it to return information on it.

Revert Opcode

Refers to a process during an EVM's execution when a transaction fails with "revert" and reverts the blockchain to the state it was before.


A digital payment network for financial transactions and the company which created the XRP blockchain. The coin for the cryptocurrency is pre-mined and also labeled XRP.

Routing attack

The process of posing threat on an ISP level in order to maliciously affect a blockchain.

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